Photo By: Frans van Heerden—on Pexels
Footsteps in the sand, On the path where I know He is going, Where I know He will come to where I go, Am I ready to belong? Preparations for presence tangible and real, I run ahead, waiting. Learned art by trial and error. Small of stature hard to see, But looking forward, calculating, Aim high or low, Will I be seen? Under my feet the sand I feel, People crowd and I'm set in, deliberating. What do I see? The sky above and earth below, Mistrusting judgement of the angle, Set up on where I wish space, Following dreams upon the sand, Light to shed on my darkness, suffering. I cannot carry, The load is heavy, Blocked or torn away, In a cess pool, stagnant, What are the dark spots? Not washed away by waves, That in the darkness bind me?

Photo By: Minh Hải Nguyễn—on Pexels
Yet behind illuminessence, Beckoning me back home, Over cliff and salty air, He never left anywhere. Why was I so blind? He is walking with me everywhere. I stumble on the jagged rocks, My footsteps disappeared, By endless drum of endless wave, Cut, bruised and now alone, Walking on the stone, Where is the sand? The turf I know.

Photo By: Jill Burrow—on Pexels
I shield my eyes to the setting sun, Engulfed in shadow, But then I see the North Star, En-kindling hope of finding the way, But, will I find myself stranded? In the gathering gloom? Yet in the darkness are little points of light, The moon to light the way, And the light is not yet gone away. I see the path before me, A path within the sand, Footsteps before and behind me, Surely not my way to lose. So why does my heart quicken? When before the waves are soft and sweet, And I see two sets of prints, I questioned and I knew, Fear to blind, and love to free, My Guide to tumble not or leave. So slowly, love, the crowd is back. But not to hem me in, Yet forward boon and not complain, TOGETHER yet solitary, Each with a mission and a home, To the Unseen Helper, Love within to light the way, That carries forward, me, my burden falls, He to carry, me to follow, Yolked together not alone, A person waiting on the shore.