Hello and Welcome to Two Hearts True Healing! I am your host Jacinta Wick. We are in season Two; Belonging a Father’s Authority. This is Episode Two Height and Depth. We are at the start of a great year. I just love fall. So many colors come alive and the weather is pleasant and mild  just enough for a cozy sweater with a cool crispness that revitalizes and refreshes. Did you know that God wants to do the same to us? Let’s get started with Romans 8:38-39. As always from the Revised Standard Edition.

For I am sure that neither death, nor life, nor angels or principalities, nor things present, nor things to come, nor powers, nor height, nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord.

What charged words! Think about it. Nothing in all creation can take us from the Love of God. That is something to dwell on. To put it up on your fridge or mirror or any high trafficked place. That is power. And it is a personal invitation to find strength and courage through a hard time. The verse just before this talks of being conquerors in him who loved us. We are not alone. We have a motto and a standard to live by and carry. This standard says that nothing can conquer us if we stay close to Jesus. This can be hard to keep in mind when we are suffering but it is so necessary to remind us that the victory is already won.

Turning to Colossians 2:6-19 we are carried on in this theme. As therefore you received Christ Jesus the Lord, so live in him, rooted and built up in him and established in the faith, just as you were taught, abounding in thanksgiving. Living in Him means taking on His image. Living a life worthy of praise and filled with thanksgiving. It is so easy to take on a label to put our life under a different category than this. I remember in ninth grade, my mom told me I had a learning disability. This crushed me. I felt different and ashamed. Just a few steps behind everyone else. That lead to a tumultuous few years of struggling to get by in my schooling and succeed. My Dad reminded me often of the beauty God gave me and taught me my strengths that compensated for my weakness. His love of beauty inspired me to not give up and to dig deep for my identity in Christ. He blessed me and by his encouragement I found solace. Our good God does the same for us. He gives us our talents and helps us find the core of our troubles. For me that was an understanding of AUDITORY DYSLEXIA. A different way of thinking. And I learned that I was not the issue but that I had issues processing. By my discovery, in turn I was also able to help and bless my dad in discovering the same issues he was struggling with…both visual and auditory dyslexia.

 It is easy to be taken in by different methodologies and philosophies that tell us to be a certain way, finding power in things. But this is not what God asks of us. He asks us to come to fullness in Him. To find our very life in Him. The natural order is good but it is not God. It is a shadow of what is to come. We are not deists. Every creation is not god but we can find God in them. We can find the thumbprint of God in creation as one of the great saints says. I can’t remember the name currently but I think we just celebrated his feast day…Maybe St. Gregory the Great a Benedictine Saint. Go ahead and tell me in the comments if you know. The victory has been won in the cross. The difficulty is nailing our flesh with Him. How can we do this? By little sacrifices each day. By making a morning offering and giving God everything; joys, works, sufferings, and sorrows in union with the Mass throughout the world. We can join our lives to His and this is an immense gift. Remember the guidelines we talked of in Episode one? Every day tempers us to be a holy saint and little by little our flesh dies and we live with Christ and are hidden in Him. We do have to guard ourselves of spiritual pride in our success and try to remain humble remembering it is Christ’s work in us and our cooperation and not just our own effort.

In Luke 6:12-19 we find again the importance of prayer. He continued in prayer all night. In this communication He was able to know who to call close to Him that He would pass on His authority to. How often do we turn to prayer first when we arrive at a difficulty? It is a challenge to place our complete trust in Him and His power. We must hear His voice before we make the action of following Him. Otherwise we are following an emptiness, a pointless set of rules. Love conquers all obligation. (Not the obligation to follow but the harshness of just doing it to get by.) We must rest in the power of Jesus. For, those who were troubled with unclean spirits were cured and all the crowd sought to touch him, for power came forth from him and healed them all. This calling is TOTAL. It requires a complete gift of ourselves. Not just the action but the heart (see S1E11 Be Perfect). Faith becomes not a complicated set of rules of, do this but an overflowing of love. We act out of fullness. We act because God fills us with His Love and Belonging. It is the fruit of His love. Now turn to Psalm 145 (please the whole Psalm slowly) and close your scripture time, lifting your heart to God in these beautiful words:

I will extol you, my God and King, and bless your name for ever and ever. Every day I will bless you, and praise your name for ever and ever. Great is the Lord, and greatly to be praised, and his greatness is unsearchable…On the glorious splendor of your majesty and on your wondrous works, I will meditate. Men shall proclaim the might of your awesome acts, and I will declare your greatness.

If something touched you in this episode, share it with a friend. I would also love to hear about how your journey is going and how God touched you in this episode. You can always reach me at twoheartstruehealing@outlook.com. Go to my webpage www.twoheartstruehealing.com or find us on Facebook. Great things are in progress. Know that I am covering you in prayer. Until next time, when we meet again in the power of the Lord, my fondest blessings and prayers.


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One comment on “Season Two Belonging, a Father’s Authority; Episode Two Height and Depth

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