S3E6 Deliver Us; Community, God’s Plan for Humanity and A Mother’s Love

We need to let God deliver us and act in freedom and not blame others for our own behavior. Let’s look at Moses’ Mother and other female characters in the beginning of Exodus. This book is full of this truth. God has to bring the Chosen from slavery to freedom. God shows his anointed that he was reliable and trustworthy providing for their needs. When they fell away, He called them back and journeyed with them.Read more

S3E5 My Soul Magnifies the Lord; Community, God’s Plan for Humanity and a Mother’s Love

We again look at listening with the heart. We learn how to wrestle in Faith versus battling in doubt and running away. Join us as we discuss Mary and Joseph and Elizabeth and Zechariah. A New Testament checkpoint to the Messiah and Center of Salvation HistoryRead more

Season Three Episode Four; Community, God’s plan for Humanity and a Mother’s Love. Preserve Me

This episode is about Isaac and Rebekah and how they pass on the blessing to the next generation with God fulfilling their desires and covenant with a pregnancy...Bonus!! Twins. We see how the story plays out and how the younger Jacob deceives to receive the benefits of the eldest.Read more

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