What is it that makes me? Emotions many flood, In torrents Slide in mud, Yet one to unite all, What is this mystery? Rivers deep and long, The conscious way of thought, Or stuck within the vault, Where is the road that leads me? But am I made of just the mind? Or is it measured in right or wrong? Does the answer come from beyond? With Joy to lead, Fear to hide, Anxiety to protect, But I am beyond the barrier strong, Hope springs and day is the dawned. A unity of joy and sorrow, Strengthened bolstered, Guarded by a thread, This path that leads, to the back of the mind, Where we jar up the motions piled, But is this the freedom of tomorrow? Heart to bear, Mind to think, Upon the screen of abstract thought, Something further to beckon, No manual can break down the brain, There's more to call and hear. Anger blinds and clarifies, Lightning bolted, Disgusted jolted, What is this guiding light within? Tripped and blinded, One wrong move that terrifies. But what the body feels, Is not the sum total, Heart holds, Mind guides, To the Voice, That creates this complexity of me, I co-operate and find myself creating, In the Good the Bad and Ugly, To the bell that clarion peels. I am not alone, But guided by not just fate, He laces all together, To shape, A love that's deeper still, And skills to build and hone. A three strung chord, A conduit of grace, Mistake to fall that carry through, A fountain flowing clean and fresh, A whole new you, What once was abhorred. Created for happiness, Beyond time and space, Earth will end and break, But I remain beyond the game, A piece moved in the Hand, Yet Son and heir, Not slave to bind and bend, Dwelling ever, A death to die, But forever to be a new, Creation.