The incorrupt body of Sister Wilhelmina Lancaster, OSB, on May 20, 2023. Lancaster was recently exhumed in Gower, Missouri. See the latest.

All we have to do is take a look at history, scripture, and the times, and see that where this world is headed is not going to be pretty. It is definitely very dark right now and Doomsday is coming. And in this darkness, things seem to keep ramping up. What is the proper response? Fear or Trust?

It is said that Albert Einstein said, “One percent inspiration, ninety-nine percent perspiration.” It means that any genius is both inspiration and hard work. How does this happen? What does our brain need to do?

I’m sure we’ve all seen the man named Vision with the MindValley Platform all over YouTube promising amazing results in a short period of time to improve mental health and to change the course of your life by small paradigm shifts each day. Well I am here to say I can offer you better than that. What is it in your heart that is driving you right now to want a better mind? Keep this in your mind as we journey to this paradigm shift that will change your life.

Dwelling in the Presence of God is at the heart of Prayer. Just being with Him. In this episode we take a look at what intercession is and how God fills us with the grace to be His children and how to abide in Him. Our life becomes an offering both in death and Resurrection. This is not an easy road but a battle.

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This episode is part one on prayer. This is a foundation for getting into more specifics. We lay out the groundwork for what it means to have a conversation with God and how to carry out His wishes. The Holy Spirit forms our prayer and teaches us how to walk.

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We look at the stepping stones of faith when God calls out to us to follow a path. Faith is Man's response to God's revelation and is closely tied to works in a delicate marriage. In this episode, we take a look at some practical things to keep in mind when we are discerning what God is calling us to.

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