In day to day life we sometimes experience the grind of ordinary life. Little things tend to add up and before we know it we are feeling miserable. That should be warning signal number one. Something isn’t right if we are in depression. Rejoicing in the Lord should be our strength. Am I saying that everything should be puppy dog tails and unicorn rainbows? Definitely not!! It is an invitation…

Dwelling in the Presence of God is at the heart of Prayer. Just being with Him. In this episode we take a look at what intercession is and how God fills us with the grace to be His children and how to abide in Him. Our life becomes an offering both in death and Resurrection. This is not an easy road but a battle.

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We look at the different forms of prayer and learn what God teaches us in applying them in our lives. Our prayer becomes a fragrance before the Lord and we know that His hand guides and guards us. By listening to His voice we are given authority and dominion and discover the heart as the place of encounter where God dwells.

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It is hard to know what to do in a day especially when we are fatigued and have no energy or are in a dark hole. It is then that we have a decision to make, will we stay there or keep to the path and be faithful to our post. In this episode, we look at some biblical background to enlighten our intellect so we can make better informed decisions based on God's Will and also some practical steps to take when we are right in the thick of it.

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Hello and welcome to Two Hearts true Healing! I am your host Jacinta Wick. With me today is Michelle Oie from Michelle Oie Ministries. Michelle Oie is an inspirational writer, motivational speaker and discernment coach....

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