Quietly walking to make an appointment,
To the coffee shop with the liquid Heaven sent,
But no voice to hear in the street,
Not a one to repeat.
Snow falling in my chair,
By the fire without a care
What do I find?
Whispered and beckoned my thoughts to find and encourage,
Is peace a language?
It was just what I needed to go out of the sludge.
Walking for my daily walk,
A brief smile and a moment’s talk,
My neighbor’s smile,
It made quick my mile.
Another’s love to quicken mine,
Was this a sign to light my day?
Like the cobbler wishing to find,
Brought strangers in and dined,
For the Guest most wanted I wait,
About my tasks until very late.
My children blessed and happy,
Playing, kissing, jostling, questioning and sassy,
Basking in the pleasure of their company.
Is joy and fulfillment coming?
Did my giving them food,
My clothing in love,
Drink to their thirst,
Bring Him to my throne?
Even if it was a lowly table?
And me with no label?
I try to hear this wanted voice,
And live my life free from a wrong choice,
I fall.
I get up.
A friend to carry me on,
A glorious sunrise at dawn.
Is the heart the place of encounter?
His hands, my friends,
His voice, that smile,
His presence in my mind.
Two things I know.
These are the Guest awaited,
Somehow brought and ushered in,
By other’s hands and feet,
By blessings given,
Prayers answered,
My hunger kindled,
The more I search and only you,
Fill my weak spirit with dew,
But You are invisible,
How can I have encountered you?
In Word and Deed,
To ponder in book,
To find in work,
These little things that bring fulfillment,
When I am out of shape and bent,
Still guided by the Unseen hand,
The landscape before me panned,
Mirage or reality,
But only you can fill,
Another’s voice is yours,
Another’s smile is yours,
A deed of love is yours,
All done by you and is that how we are seen?
Peace in just being.
Fulfillment in Walking,
Not found stagnant but exulting?
Where do I turn when I am despairing,
Discouraged and alone?
Back to these moments in thanksgiving,
A moments solace in woe.
A cup of joe,
Or tea,
Is this He?
Then carry on
Come what may
A battle song!