Bishop Strickland

16 November 2023

Heavenly Father,

We ask you to fill our hearts with peace in this time of turmoil.When things are beyond our control,show us what we can do to make a difference in your Church with what we can control in our circle of influence. Most of all we ask for trust as we know that no matter what happens,your Church will stand as you promised.Bless Bishop Strickland as he finds solace in difficulty and guide him in his new beginnings as a new pathway is opened up before him. Help him to be a faithful shepherd of your flock and to always listen to the voice of the Holy Spirit in speaking your words.Give him and us light in this darkness.

File photo of Pope Francis greeting Bishop Joseph E. Strickland of Tyler, Texas, during a Jan. 20, 2020, meeting with U.S. bishops from Arkansas, Oklahoma and Texas during their “ad limina” visits to the Vatican. The Holy See Press Office announced Nov. 11, 2023, that Pope Francis has removed Bishop Strickland from the pastoral governance of the Diocese of Tyler. (OSV News photo/Vatican Media)

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