The incorrupt body of Sister Wilhelmina Lancaster, OSB, on May 20, 2023. Lancaster was recently exhumed in Gower, Missouri. Credit: Kelsey Wicks/CNA
Lord, We thank you for the gift of Sr. Wilhelmina and ask that you would grant many vocations, not only to their order, but also for a revival among all women religious. Let young women hear your voice and respond to your call.We need spiritual mothers,Oh Lord, to guide,nurture,and sanctify us. You blessed Sr. Wilhelmina with a good sense of humor. Let us all learn to face adversity with Joy and Trust in your holy promise with great abandon.Help us to keep your traditions steadfastly in this age of darkness as it feels as if any semblance of what is holy is being sidelined and scoffed at.On the other hand,may her prayers strengthen the light and hope that is spreading among the faithful and growing by the example of her life and of all holy Christians.Bless your holy Church with many brides and faithful religious! Amen!

Sister Wilhelmina Lancaster, whose body was discovered incorrupt, founded the Benedictines of Mary, Queen of the Apostles. | Courtesy of the Benedictines of Mary. Photo taken from Catholic News Agency.
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To learn more about the life of Sr. Wilhelmina Lancaster order the following book.

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