I’m sure we’ve all seen the men named Vision and Jim Kwik with the MindValley Platform all over YouTube promising amazing results in a short period of time to improve mental health and to change the course of your life by small paradigm shifts each day. Well I am here to say I can offer you better than that. What is it in your heart that is driving you right now to want a better mind? Keep this in your mind as we journey to this paradigm shift that will change your life.
Let’s look at some true shifts that he says that are true. The first is 1/3 of our mind is influenced by genetics and 2/3 the capabilities of your brain are completely up to you. You can have a nuero-genesis and create new pathways and connections and new ways of thought. You can improve your memory and develop new skills. All of this is a daily process. It is also true that little bites every day will make you better. Our brain can stay more focused and remember more in 15-20 minutes than hours and hours. There also is proof that writing it down switches on your brain and the chance of remembering. The five aspects of your brain need to learn muscle memory and grow through exercise. These aspects are 1)Intellect and logical reasoning, 2) Kinestetic (motion and touch) 3)Inspiration/Supernatural 4)Perspiration (work and practice). There is no shortcut, though, there is always room for improvement and skill that can become better. Our subconscious is also very important in this process.
Nutrition is a key piece as is balance in hormones and lifestyle. There is a spike in hormonal imbalance like with our metabolisms in Insulin and that number gets higher every year even among children. With that out of whack our other building block hormone DHEA (precursor to progesterone and estrogen) gets thrown off as well as testosterone. All of our “feel good” hormones also get thrown off as we are all interconnected. Our vitamin D hormone is also at an all-time low causing depression and anxiety. Our control center is attacked by so much and often runs on empty. This is not good news for anyone.
So, with so bleak an outlook, what is it that I am proposing? What shift that outdoes what Vision and Jim Kwik brain coach proposes? First of all, I am not a guru or goddess celebrity I am just a mom and poustinik/monastic and what I am about to propose is going to seem innocent and simplistic to some of you, but what I am about to say is true and will only work with one superpower. Your Faith. Remember your why answer to my first question? Keep this in your mind as we continue. If we have no purpose we are stuck. I think Vision and Jim would agree with me that there is a Higher Power that directs the universe and prayer keeps us in communion with Him and our community. The answer lies beyond us and relies on our ability to find, seek, and live it. Where I fear they are wrong is the means. We are not our own god. The human can only go so far. We need help and cannot do this on our own. And like everything it is our own choice. Procrastination is a real battle. We often operate on less than par. Are you ready to kick it up a notch?

What then is this simple answer? It’s two-fold. 1)Wisdom 2)Works. WW. We have only to ask. What? That’s too simple!! This is scriptural. Let me call to mind two passages. One the Prodigal Son and the two brothers. “Everything I Have is yours. And I am always with you and directing you.” And the raising of Lazareth. “Father, I know you always hear my prayer…” Still not convinced? Asking is the first piece and asking rightly. We have to listen in silence and solitude to hear the Voice of the Supernatural. He gives us power at our very fingertips in the Person of Jesus Christ and His gift of the Holy Spirit which is the love of the Father and the Son Jesus. The second is in the Great Commissioning in Matthew. “Go and Make disciples of all nations…” So works. That is the second piece. It is work. Remember when he sent the twelve and then the 72? He gave them authority to do the works that He did which He saw His Father doing. What were those works? Amazing healings and intuitions that no-one could know on their own power. Working an ordinary life in an extraordinary manner.
The blind see, the lame walk, the dead are raised, the captive and prisoner set free. Remember Isaiah? We are students of the Supernatural. We learn and then carry out the little inspirations that the Holy Spirit gives us. I have seen and heard some pretty amazing things happen on Faith that blows my mind. Would you like to have a God Encounter? Do you need some amazing breakthrough? Ask, seek, find and the kingdom of God will be given you. It starts now on earth but its completion is in heaven. No ultra completion can be reached here. We can go to the very heart and very high to perfection because we are doing what God asks, but that does not eliminate suffering, patience, and work. We all have something. Looking for help? Feel free to reach out to me at twoheartstruehealing@outlook.com. This coming season is my goal to jump-start this new idea of the renewal of your mind. I am praying for you and would love to give you the jump-start you need in this process. Stay tuned for new developments!