Cardinal Manual Fernandez Tries to Cover Up Blasphemous Book “Mystical Passion”
14 September 2024
Dear Lord,
Fill us with an abundance of Grace so we can see you and encounter your fullness. Let there be many holy vocations to matrimony between one man and one woman according to your scriptural call. Fill us with true love for our neighbors and the hands to compassionately embrace those who have been abused.Fill Cardinal Fernandez with conversion of heart and vision to give recompense to the wronged victims of clerical abuse and special graces to free those from demonic influence instead of gaslighting the faithful and further blinding them. Give him a spirit of truth to better guide the mystical bride of Christ to deeper faith and understanding of the faith.
Grant healing where there has been discord and unity where there has been separation. Enlighten the priests, bishops, and Cardinals in the Vatican how to better serve your people and clarify the confusion of the world and the Church. Let them be lights instead of contributing to the doctrinal errors that pervade your people.Thank you for helping us to better know, love and serve you to be a healthy conduit versus a source of division and negativity as we follow the path of authority.
Forward Boldly episode on Cardinal Fernandez’s Book