In this episode we look at the role of a woman to cultivate peace. We see how it comes with effort and work and is only successful when we turn our gaze on God and accept in gratitude what He gives us. Our Scripture Study is with Abigail and David in 1 Samuel.

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In this episode we look at the characteristics of motherhood and how we have to put on our big girl panties and be an example for our children. We carry the weight of the world and the world needs our light. The Scripture Study is from the 2nd book of Maccabees with the unnamed woman and her seven sons.

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We take a look at Emotional Health and how if it is not in harmony we reap the fruits. Our Scripture study is with Ruth and Naomi.

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All we have to do is take a look at history, scripture, and the times, and see that where this world is headed is not going to be pretty. It is definitely very dark right now and Doomsday is coming. And in this darkness, things seem to keep ramping up. What is the proper response? Fear or Trust?

It is said that Albert Einstein said, “One percent inspiration, ninety-nine percent perspiration.” It means that any genius is both inspiration and hard work. How does this happen? What does our brain need to do?

A lot of words are being thrown around on the internet and YouTube these days about what is coming and the tribulations and famines and over all pandemonium. What will truly happen? This article takes a look at five things to help in our discernment.