We live in a technological age. Very advanced in terms of machinery and medicine. When something is wrong, we chase after a cure. We go after it right away with the shortcut of a few…

Jesus I surrender myself to you, take care of everything. So goes the ejaculation in the surrender novena by a very holy priest. How often do we really take the time to actually surrender everything to Our Lord? It is so easy to be controlling and try to run everything. We want everything to be perfect. We want things to run smoothly but by trying to direct everything, we might miss what God is actually wanting to happen. He works patiently and discreetly and it is easy to miss what His call is. He works in the small and the mundane and does not like when we are too grandiose and lost in perfection.

In day to day life we sometimes experience the grind of ordinary life. Little things tend to add up and before we know it we are feeling miserable. That should be warning signal number one. Something isn’t right if we are in depression. Rejoicing in the Lord should be our strength. Am I saying that everything should be puppy dog tails and unicorn rainbows? Definitely not!! It is an invitation…

Dwelling in the Presence of God is at the heart of Prayer. Just being with Him. In this episode we take a look at what intercession is and how God fills us with the grace to be His children and how to abide in Him. Our life becomes an offering both in death and Resurrection. This is not an easy road but a battle.

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