From The study of the greats in poetry comes the latest attempt to copy the masters. Enjoy the imagery.
This episode is about Isaac and Rebekah and how they pass on the blessing to the next generation with God fulfilling their desires and covenant with a pregnancy...Bonus!! Twins. We see how the story plays out and how the younger Jacob deceives to receive the benefits of the eldest.
Genesis 5-9: Hello and Welcome to Two Hearts True Healing and our first ever livestream event! We will leave a portion of the show for questions or comments towards the end. You are making history...
In day to day life we sometimes experience the grind of ordinary life. Little things tend to add up and before we know it we are feeling miserable. That should be warning signal number one. Something isn’t right if we are in depression. Rejoicing in the Lord should be our strength. Am I saying that everything should be puppy dog tails and unicorn rainbows? Definitely not!! It is an invitation…
Season Two Belonging, A Father’s Authority; Episode Seven, Presence
- 25 October 2023
- Tagged as: Belonging, Calm, Contemplation, De Profundis, Depression, Fatherhood, Gregorian Chant, heart wounds, Mary and Martha, mental health, Missionary, Movement of the Heart, Native Americans, Out of the Depths, Peace, Presence, Psalm 130, Service, St. Benedict, St. Isaac Jogues, St. Therese
Hello and welcome to Two Hearts True Healing! I am your host Jacinta Wick! This is Season Two Belonging, A Father’s Authority Episode seven; Presence. What comes to mind with that word? A sense of...
We explore with Francis from the Hallow App the connection between mental health and prayer in growing closer to the Father and healing Father wounds. We learn how to draw close to the Father and grow our relationship through prayer. He gives us some good practical steps in finding God.
We look at following the will of God in obedience versus making a name for ourselves in our own effort. This organically forms community around prayer and work and brotherly love. The Good Shepherd leads us for we know His voice. Anyone else who is not following the voice of the shepherd is a thief and the thief comes to steal, kill and destroy.
God the Father’s Heart: Healing Father Wounds Episode One
Welcome! In this episode we explore the wonders of God the Father's loving heart and get an overview of what will happen in the whole of the first season. This is an introduction to healing heart wounds. We start at the Heart of our Heavenly Father. We wade into the shallows, getting ready to plunge into the deep