A little word with so much meaning, What does it call forth? Pining A place beckoning on, Where I can find rest, On the hearth where I sit down. But there is something specific, Missing…
- 7 September 2023
- Tagged as: abandonment, beckoning, Beloved, Calm, Clockwork, Consolation, covenant, Direction, Gift, God's Will, Good Shepherd, Healing, Holiness, mental health, Over All, Peace, Place of Refuge, Poetry, Power, Stability, Surrender
Having Technical issues sorry! This is without edits but I wanted to get it out to you! Read: Sirach 1:1-10 There is One who is wise, the Creator of all, the King greatly to be...
In this episode, we discover how God takes us through dryness to encounter Him and gives us endurance so we can do His will. We learn about the levels of love and the difference between perfectionism and a simple act of love to be more like Him.